Media & Public Relations



+1 269.214.2979

The truth, as one professional put it, is that “most of what people instinctively call PR problems are really not PR problems at all—they’re management problems that have become public.” 

Solving management problems is mission critical.  But when the crisis has become public, it’s not not enough to just solve the problem. It’s important that the public know the problem is solved in order that confidence in your organization can be reestablished with credibility. 

Integritas helps you effectively communicate with the media and general public by preparing you for both the spotlight and the less visible aspects of media and public relations.  What people see on camera is the most visible aspect of media relations.  However, before the lights turn on, there is important work to be done on the relational side of “media relations.”  This may include one to one meetings, briefings to provide important background and context, and media advisories.

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